Move faster with project management automations.

Automate tedious tasks and create custom workflows tailored to your needs — so you can focus on the work that truly matters.

Automations dashboard screenshot

How project management automations work.

Automations are simple to setup, but powerful.

Choose your trigger.
Choose the exact action that will activate the automation.
Set your action.
Choose a course of action and arrange the steps in sequence.
Sit back, relax, and watch how things happen — automagically.
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Millions of actions, automated.

Across industries, Blue helps business owners, project managers, and dedicated teams focus on what truly matters by putting repetitive tasks on autopilot.

Manager Reviews.

Automatically alert managers when items require review based on status, process steps, or tags. Eliminate the need for team members to send reminders, ensuring managers always have a clear and current list of items awaiting their attention with project management automations.

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Ensure things are on time. Every time.

Project management automations notify assignees and escalate tasks when they become overdue. This ensures that every project stays on track.

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Project Management Automations Resources

Learn how to streamline your processes, increase efficiency, and unlock new possibilities for your business.

Automated task organization.

Automatically tag and move tasks based on their status—like adding a 'bug' tag to new entries in the bug list, or moving completed tasks to the 'Done' list. Keep your projects neat and organized effortlessly with the power of artificial intelligence.

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Automate Your Workflow.

Streamline tasks and boost efficiency with Blue's powerful project management automations.

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Frequently asked questions