Privacy Policy

The privacy of your information is of the utmost importance to the team at Blue. Here we show you what data we collect, and why.

Sign Up Information

When you sign up, we typically collect identifying information such as your Name, Email, Job Title, and Phone Number, as well as Company or Organization Name. With regards to your phone number, we will very occasionally call new customers to thank them for signing up, and we also use it to give you access to your account in case you have lost access to your email and cannot log in.

We will not sell your data directly or in aggregate to any third parties. We won't use your name in our marketing materials without reaching out to ask if it is okay first.

Billing Information

Blue uses Stripe for subscription billing. Blue never sees your full card data, only the last four digits. All accounts must have valid and up-to-date billing information.

Support Queries

If you reach out to [email protected], this goes to our support system, which keeps a record of all previous conversations our team has had with you. This helps our support team have clear context. If you wish for this information to be deleted, simply reach out to us.

When We Access Your Data

To try and resolve a bug that is on your account

We will ask you to invite one of our team members to your company or project so we can understand what the problem is. Once the problem is resolved, our team members will remove themselves from your project and no longer have access to any of your data.

When required to do so by authorities under our applicable law

Bloo, Inc. is a company based in Delaware, USA. If US law enforcement authorities have the necessary warrant, criminal subpoena, or court order requiring we share data, we have to comply. Otherwise, we reject requests from local and federal law enforcement when they seek data. And unless we're legally prevented from it, we'll always inform you when such requests are made.

In the event a government authority outside the US approaches Blue with a request, our default stance is to refuse unless the US government compels us to comply through procedures outlined in a mutual legal assistance treaty or agreement.

If Blue receives a request to preserve data, we refuse unless compelled by either the US Federal Stored Communications Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 2703(f) or a properly served US subpoena for civil matters. In both of these situations, we have to comply. In these situations, we notify affected customers as soon as possible unless we are legally prohibited from doing so. We do not share preserved data unless absolutely required under the Stored Communications Act or compelled by a court order that we choose not to appeal. Furthermore, unless we receive a proper warrant, court order, or subpoena before the required preservation period expires, we destroy any preserved copies we made of customer data once the preservation period lapses.

If we get an informal request from any person, organization, or entity, we do not assist.

Locations of Data

Right now, we store your data in an AWS (Amazon Web Services) data center based in Singapore. In the future, we are likely to expand and replicate data for backups across multiple regions including Europe and the US.