
This is what we're currently working on. If you have ideas or feature requests, feel free to email us at [email protected] or join our community forum.

Public Views

  • Share any view (i.e. board, Gantt Chart, Calendar, etc) as a link
  • Pre-set filters to decide to only show certain records on the public view
  • Set expiration dates for shared links to enhance security
  • Implement view-only and edit permissions for shared links
  • Enable commenting function for chats and records with quick email confirmation, not requiring full login
  • Track views and interactions on shared public views

AI Project Assistant

  • A project assistant that can reference any of the data in your project to answer questions
  • Ask questions such as "What's running late" and "What were the key takeaways from last week?"
  • Generate project status reports and summaries automatically
  • Provide AI-powered task prioritization suggestions
  • Offer resource allocation recommendations based on project data
  • Identify potential risks and bottlenecks in the project

AI Email Automations

  • Enhance existing email automations with AI-powered content generation
  • Use liquid tags to pass dynamic data to the AI prompt for customized email content
  • Generate personalized email bodies based on record data and automation triggers
  • Ability to fine-tune AI-generated content to match company voice and style
  • Integration with existing automation triggers and custom fields

Multiple Tools Per Project

  • Add multiple tools (i.e. boards, chats, wikis) per project
  • Reorder the project navigation to hide tools that you don't use for that specific project
  • Project administrators can show/hide any tools for any user group
  • No set limit on the number of tools per project
  • Future roadmap: Allow custom integration tools (Google Docs, Excel files, Figma, etc.)

Customizable cards

  • Choose what you want to display on your card
  • Show custom field data on the card
  • Create and save custom card templates for reuse
  • Set default card settings across the entire company/organization by the super administrator
  • Changes to cards will work with the existing project templating system
  • Future roadmap: Implement conditional formatting based on card data

Assignee Custom Field

  • A new custom field that works like the current "assignee" default field.
  • An option to allow for single or multiple assignees.
  • You will also be able to choose which user roles will show in the dropdown of the assignee custom field

More Login Methods.

  • Login with Google
  • Login with SSO.
  • Email & Password.

Vendor User Role.

  • A new role called "Vendor".
  • This will, for now, have the same permission as the "Client" role, but will show as vendors.
  • We are doing this because based on our user research, many of our customers invite their vendors into Blue but use the "Client" user role to do so.

Multiple Organisational Administrators

  • The ability for the organisation administrator to invite other organisational administrators
  • The ability to add specific emails to be included in invoices (i.e. finance and admin teams). At the moment, customers need to contact our support team to set this up.

System Upgrade.

  • We're upgrading Blue to ensure we can continue to serve our customers for years to come.
  • Another key focus area is to ensure that core features that are used daily have sub 100ms response times — which is faster than a blink of an eye.
  • Vue2 to Vue3 Upgrade
  • Vuetify 2 to Vuetify 3 Upgrade
  • Dependency Updates