The user-friendly project management system your team will actually use.

Blue is simple and powerful —so you finally have everything in one organised place.

Average rating of 5/5 on AlternativeTo

6,000+ Organisations.

Thousands of organisations trust Blue for mission-critical work.

120+ Countries.

Blue is used in every continent across the world.

200,000+ Projects.

Run sales, marketing, recruitment, operations — anything!

Blue makes it simple to manage work and get things done.

Whether you're launching a website, running sales, or hiring people — you can do it faster and better with Blue.

Platform overview

Connect the dots.

One source of truth, so you know what's happening.

For teams of any size.

From startup to enterprise, Blue scales as you do.

Work better, together.

Break down silos and enable cross-team collaboration.

Say goodbye to your work pain points.

We believe that work should be easy and enjoyable. Starting with the right platform ensures that the battle is already half-won.

Data all over the place

One source of truth

No accountability

Full audit trail

No defined processes

Clear & Scalable processes

Multiple complex platforms

One easy-to-use system

Managing work is hard

Work feels easy

Why do 6,000+ customers choose Blue?

Over the years, we've spoken to thousands of customers and heard real-life stories of how Blue makes work easier, faster, and better. Here are the top three reasons why customers choose Blue.

1. Blue is simple to use.  

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" — all of our product decisions are made to create a platform that's simple, yet powerful.

Faster onboarding.

Get your team up and running in hours, not weeks or months.

Less training.

Spend less time training and more time doing the work that counts.

Higher adoption.

The right platform is half the battle. The other half is getting teams to use it.

2. Blue is priced to win.

Stop spending crazy money on venture-funded platforms. Blue gives you the same feature set for 20% of the cost.

Save money.

Save tens of thousands per year for a mid-sized company.

No surprises.

We have one plan with all features, so there's no penalty for growth.

Generously free.

Customers, vendors, and comment/view only roles are free and unlimited.

3. Blue is flexible

Your work platform should adapt to your work processes, not the other way around. Forget "best practices" — you're free to work the way that works for you.  

Stay different.

Your processes are what make you unique. With Blue, you can keep everything in place.

Start in a snap.

Get started in minutes, without any complex reengineering of how you work.

Land and expand.

Start with one small use case and watch your teams grow from there.

What our clients say

"Blue streamlines project management for our clients, offering the perfect balance of advanced workflow capabilities and user-friendly simplicity. It's our go-to PM tool.."

Joseph Katsnelson

"After 30 years in project management I have discovered Blue —and it is blowing me away. The user interface is fantastic, simple to use and so easy to understand."

A profile image of Lorenzo Hickey from Shapeshift world
Lorenzo Hickey
Shapeshift World

"Blue is my go-to project management tool to run my virtual assistant team, my video production workflow, and even act as my sales pipeline."


Think of a process.
Blue can handle it.

Organizations of all shapes and sizes use Blue for a wider variety of use cases. From sales, procurement, hiring, and marketing to managing stand-alone projects.

Process Enablement.

Simplify and scale every process in your organization with automations, assignments, and notifications.

Sales CRM.

Over $1B in sales are tracked through Blue, and we've been ranked in the top #10 CRMs by the International Business Times.


Use Blue to build a candidate database, where you can easily track application and have every detail at your fingertips.

Project Work.

Whether you're designing a new website, organizing an event, or planning a marketing campaign, Blue can help you stay organized — headache free.

"Blue is the result you'd get if Marie Kondo fixed Project Management tools."

The award-winning platform designed for those that simply need to get things done.